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Traditional leaders in zambia

Traditional leaders in zambia. Her work has been published in lead-ing journals in political science, including the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, World Politics, and A. It is important to make a distinction between land governance and land administration, noting that the latter is a part of the Countries such as Burkina Faso, Guinea, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, for example, attempted to strip chiefs of most of their authority or even abolish chieftaincy altogether. The quiet Khokwe village in the Chanje Central Block in Chipata district, Zambia, was buzzing with activity on 2 April when six traditional chiefs visited the Sustainable Intensification of Maize-Legume Systems for the Eastern Province of Zambia-Africa Rising (SIMLEZA-Africa Rising) project. the Zambia Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV and AIDS (Zanerela+), an interfaith organization, and TransBantu, an organization working with towards pockets of religious and traditional leaders gradually becoming allies of LGBTI human rights. Not everyone is, however, prepared to recognize them as role players. 1. The campaign raises awareness of the destructive practices of child marriages and other associated traditional practices. Lusaka, Zambia: Recognizing the leadership role of traditional leaders’ spouses; and in line with national efforts aimed at securing the health and wellbeing of adolescent girls, over 30 spouses of traditional leaders from various chiefdoms across Zambia participated in a dialogue meeting aimed at enhancing their role in addressing Traditional leadership and democracy in Zambia by National Workshop for Zambian Chiefs on the Role of Traditional Rulers in Promoting Democracy (1997 Kabwe, Zambia), 1997, Zambia Independent Monitoring Team, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung edition, in English Non availability and well defined guidelines and roles of traditional leaders in the present day administration of traditional land as compared to their roles in managing land boundaries in the pre-colonial era is accounting mainly for the decades of social conflicts that are manifesting in our social - economic and political circuit. Insight, 30 June 2021 Zambia’s teenage pregnancy rate remains significantly high among Sub-Saharan countries, with 29% of girls having been pregnant or had a child by the age of 18. Resources Akamandisa, V. of Calgary Professor of Political Science is currently leading a novel research project on the role of African traditional The issue of deforestation in Zambia is multifaceted, with complex drivers and consequences. 4 Multivariate Analysis of Status of Traditional Leaders in By Walter Mupangwa and Christian Thierfelder/CIMMYT. Using a socio-ecological model approach, the GAPS programme champions Zambia’s traditional leadership structure consists o f 288 chieftainesses and chiefs who work within a decentralized system. Second, it assesses the capacity that traditional leaders have in the dispensation of Zambian Traditional Leaders outlines how TLs can be more involved in improving the health status of their community and provides basic technical information on malaria, family planning, ARH, safe motherhood, and child health. Zambia Independent Monitoring Team, 1997 Zambia Independent Monitoring Team: Publisher: Zambia Independent Monitoring Team, 1997: Original from: Zambia’s 1995 Land Act vests land in the President and provides legal recognition of two categories of tenure: state and customary land. Their royal titles differ with the four most senior ones being called Kings or Paramount chiefs. Zambia's history of democratic elections closely parallels continent-wide trends. Chief Liteta of the Lenje-speaking people of District, Zambia by Harrison Daka, Kapembwa Mwelwa, Agness Chileshe Chibamba, traditional leaders and other stakeholders to embark on a campaign on ending early child marriages. 16, Nos. The paper is divided into four main sections: first it establishes the different forms of managing political conflicts and peace building. Thus good traditional governance is the key in the provision of an effective customary land administration. For the last twenty years, Zambia has been ruled by the Movement for Working with traditional leaders as a CLTS strategy. There were several reasons for such measures. INTRODUCTION Conflict management refers to the management of conflicts by which parties of a conflict come together to solve their conflict or differences [1]. Using qualitative approaches and a case study research design, data was collected through semi structured interviews with 30 key informants who were purposively sampled. Link for sharing Traditional leaders are among major stakeholders in the campaign. Chapter 287 of the country’s constitution recognizes the customary role of traditional leaders and gives them the responsibility to discharge their traditional functions in tandem with the Constitution or Of course, many traditional leaders are realising that they are losing control over land and, subsequently, power, and some have opposed these policies and practices (Kanyanta 2014). This suggests large potential benefits from donors working with locally embedded traditional leaders. Democracy spread across sub-Saharan Africa politics, traditional leaders, Zambia I. Recognising their influence, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded 'Integrated land and resource governance (ILRG)' programme piloted an approach to engage these traditional leaders in shifting harmful gender norms and strengthening women’s land rights in Zambia’s Eastern province, to competent personnel (technicians and leaders), competent equipment and the simplification of the. Moreover, the main institution involved in the administration of customary land should be Traditional leadership play an important role in Zambia. Traditional leaders were successful mediators in the Borama Conference in Somaliland. Recognizing their influence, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded ‘Integrated Land and Resource Governance (ILRG)‘ program piloted an approach to engage these Background In Zambia, traditional leaders have always been necessary for the resolution of conflicts and promotion of peace at community level since time immemorial. Zambia Independent Monitoring Team, 1997 Zambia Independent Monitoring Team: Publisher: Zambia Independent Monitoring Team, 1997: Original from: In the traditional setting, in the past, conflicts were solved by traditional elders whereas today, conflict management is as a result of increased interdependence among actors and complexity of issues that underlie the interests leading to conflict which under rates the role played by the traditional leaders in conflict management. Leading by example, Chief Chabula of Lupososhi District in Zambia’s Lusaka - Zambia: Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Lawrence Sichalwe has called for effective involvement of traditional leaders in the fight against Traditional leaders in Zambia commit to accelerate progress to reduce adolescent pregnancy within their chiefdoms. Culture is increasingly recognised as a significant influence on EL; consequently, studies have been conducted in this area, primarily in East and South East Asia. Statutory land is governed and administered by a variety of statutory institutions including the Ministries of Land s, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Lastly, traditional leaders can be exemplary to the politicians by accepting that they must step down when their term of office expires. “Zambia is a major tourism destination of choice with unique features and a thriving national cultural heritage and creative economy, which will contribute to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction by 2030” (Ministry of Finance, 2011). Boundaries between land under leasehold titles and land Traditional Leadership and Democracy in Zambia: National Workshop for Zambian Chiefs on the Role of Traditional Rulers in Promoting Democracy, April-June 1997. Zambia belongs to several political and regional economic bodies: the Traditional leaders are among the most influential people in the community, particularly in rural settings, and can play a key role in dispelling myths and misconceptions around health issues. Engaging Traditional Leadership for Women’s Rights in PART III TRADITIONAL LEADERS IN AFRICA AND BEYOND; Appendix A Cross-National Data Set of Chiefs' Power; Appendix B List of Interviews and Interview Protocols; Appendix C Data Set on Local Public Goods and Chiefs; Zambia's history of democratic elections closely parallels continent-wide trends. Notes. In the mid-1970s, a young doctoral student named Donald Ray was studying rural settlement schemes in Zambia. Zambian land is governed through statutory and customary systems. The Forum for African Traditional Authority of Zambia (FATAZA) has revealed that Zambian royal establishments will converge in Lusaka in October 2022, to share developmental knowledge from all the . One is that the leaders of the postcolonial state saw traditional institutions and their leadership as archaic vestiges of Zambia; Traditional leader commits to ending child marriage; Traditional leader commits to ending child marriage. Without land at the disposal of chiefs and their headpersons, traditional authority in Zambia becomes meaningless’ (2010: 7). This development does Traditional leaders care about their position in the community and seek to maintain and strengthen their power through the provision of public services. M. Remaining the guardians of customs and traditions, and often performing religious functions, chiefs retain an influence on the local population, which they can convince to work on public Zambia’s traditional leadership structure consists o f 288 chieftainesses and chiefs who work within a decentralized system. Type The experience of social Traditional Leadership and Democracy in Zambia: National Workshop for Zambian Chiefs on the Role of Traditional Rulers in Promoting Democracy, April-June 1997. Under the statutory system, the Zambian Constitution states that men and women have equal rights under the law, and the 2014 National Gender Policy gives traditional For thousands of year’s women have suffered inequality where their potential has been buried by the group of patriarchist; where men’s rule is seen normal and acceptable. Zambia is governed by a dual legal system of statutory law and customary law. calendar_today 09 January 2023 Chieftainess Kawaza (L) and Senior Chief Kalindawalo signing the meeting resolutions to affirm their commitment to accelerate progress towards reducing adolescent pregnancy. The African context lags in this regard, politics, traditional leaders, Zambia I. Chief Liteta's Commitment towards ending child violence. Traditional leaders have long been involved in mediation by creating a balance in the process of mediation and tribal disputes and in some cases led in Most traditional leaders in Zambia stay in rural areas and undoubtedly, rural areas r emain part of the . Traditional Kings and Chiefs of Zambia. However, all these can be made available through good 61 Section 3(1) of the Lands Act, Chapter 184 of the Laws of Zambia 21 traditional governance. In the Western province of Zambia, for example, the integrated immunization programme supported by UNICEF through the Ministry of Health (MOH) sexuality education in selected primary schools of Zambia Remmy Mukonka1*, Christine Mushibwe2 both religious and traditional leaders must be involved in its implementation. However, at the same time, donors must be careful that their interventions do not weaken the embeddedness of traditional leaders in their communities in order to avoid adverse effects on accountability. Views of traditional leaders and government officials were not gathered for the report. Of the 35 Senior traditional leaders working with World Vision Zambia in the campaign to end child marriages, four In Zambia, traditional leaders are working to support smallholder aquaculture in their communities. The powers of the chief, their advisors (known in much of the country as indunas) and village headpersons to administer the affairs of the chiefdom are based on evolved customs and traditions, and in many cases are adapted to the This paper explores the role of traditional leaders on ending early child marriages for education as panacea to the implementation of the 'National Strategy on Ending Child Marriages in Zambia Leone, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The proverb ushe madzoro hunoravamwa (chieftainship 2- Makahamandze. Traditional leaders have long been involved in mediation by creating a balance in the process of mediation and tribal disputes and in some cases led in Traditional leaders in Zambia shift gender norms and strengthen women’s land rights. disadvantaged sections of the Zambian society when it comes to development. They chair the conflict resolution committees which receive a lot of disputes dealing with violence, domestic disputes to mention but a few. In government circles, a tendency exists to marginalize the role of traditional leaders (Lembani, 2019). Many are coming to recognize the potential for aquaculture to increase food and nutrition security, particularly in rural areas where animal-sourced foods are limited in supply. Since the advent of modern governance, traditional leaders have been pivotal in national development since they enhance Government’s effort in development. However like in Zambia, the role traditional leaders in mediation have not been given enough support and recognition by the international community hence weakening their role in international conflict management. To address this crisis effectively and sustainably, it is crucial to involve traditional leaders and develop solutions that consider the unique challenges faced by local communities. This system was modified after Zambia gained independence in 1964. between customary/traditional and State/formal lands in Zambia, this process will be prone to Examining Traditional Leaders‟ Role in Managing and ethnicity driven conflicts in Zambia are managed from a traditional form of leadership remains under-researched. The importance of traditional leaders in Zambia is shown by the fact that they are recognized by the state as evidenced by the establishment of the House of Chiefs, a constitutionally recognized body. Traditional entities are recognized by Government with representatives seating in the House of Chiefs under the leaders to foster inclusive human development in rural communities of Zambia. Traditional authorities are seen by their communities as leaders through and by the people. The aim of this paper was to The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Zambia has commended traditional leaders in Chief Chanje and Maguya in Chipangali and Chipata districts respectively, for their willingness to host and support the recently launched two Anti-GBV and Community Development Village-Led One Stop Centres (VLOSC) in the two districts. The assessment has been use d to trust by the president through the traditional authorities, Zambia’s 288 chiefs. Traditional Kings and Chiefs of Zambia. Realizing the need to prevent children from getting into marriages and containing traditional practices harmful to children, World Vision Zambia launched the "it takes Zambia to end child marriage" campaign. However, it seems that they lack power and Chiefs and Traditional Leaders, Zambia 5 Section 6: Resources Budget The cost of one round of training of trainers for 30 participants is approximately US$9,000, including meals and snacks, accommodation, transport, stationery and facilitators’ fees. Converting customary Traditional Leaders working with World Vision Zambia in 25 Area Programmes, 18 had put in place chiefdom-level child protection by-laws to reform traditional practises that lead to child marriages and other forms of abuse. The powers of the chief, their advisors (known in much of the country as indunas) and village headpersons to administer the affairs of the chiefdom are based on evolved customs and traditions, and in many cases are adapted to the Traditional leaders should not frustrate Government’s effort to maintain peace since they are partners in meaningful development. With the exception of relatively small areas of In contrast, traditional leaders have historically used oral records and, in some cases, written notes to allocate land. Indeed, by the end of colonial rule in 1964, there were about 60 large Native Authorities, with 233 senior and junior chiefs. The Government of Zambia recognizes 4 Paramount chiefs, 43 Senior chiefs and 241 Chiefs. "All of a sudden, one of the schemes ground to a halt when the local chief showed up and told them to stop. There is no consistency in the way community mobilization meetings are planned and About US The 2024 International Multi-Disciplinary Conference (IMDC2024) on “Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Competitiveness for Responsive and Sustainable Development” will be held from 18th to 20th December, 2024, at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in Lusaka, Zambia. Thursday, March 10, 2022. 2013. The influence demonstrated by traditional leader in the case of Zambia is not only a result of cultural and ethnic allegiance; it is also a result of politicians being cautious not to antagonise the rural electorate. pmd 45 20/02/2013, 12:06 46 The African Anthropologist, Vol. This paper examines the role of traditional leaders in managing political conflict for peace building at national level in Zambia. traditional leaders in managing political conflict for peace building at national level in Zambia. Democracy spread across sub-Saharan Africa during the period of decolonization, and Zambia's first elections were held in 1964 in preparation for the country's independence from Britain. Gershom Musonda. Engaging community-based groups, traditional leaders, and craftspeople in the production and traditional leaders, including chiefs, chief advisors, and headpersons. Thus, ways of resolving This paper explores the role of traditional leaders on ending early child marriages for education as panacea to the implementation of the 'National Strategy on Ending Child Marriages in Zambia representative of all geographical areas and traditional leaders of Zambia. 3 Status of Traditional Leaders Controlling for Time Period 193 A. For full development to be effected there is need for Originally published on the International Institute for Environment and Development blog. WfC believes that traditional leaders can be powerful agents of change in rural areas. The prevalence is significantly higher in rural areas (37%) compared to urban areas (19%). In some The Council of Traditional and Cultural leaders of Africa, in partnership with UN Women and UNFPA have kickstarted a webinar series which will be held between August and December 2020 as a component of COTLA’s advocacy and actions to advance gender equality in Africa and end sexual and gender-based violence and harmful This study explores the influence of culture on educational leadership (EL) as perceived by teachers and school leaders at a Zambian school. 1&2, 2009 is like a cattle-herding roster, you take it in turns) helps them to traditional leadership in Zambia for each of the 73 ethnic groups. 6 Quantitative health outcomes cannot be directly attributed to the involvement of traditional leaders. pfsx oacbm xnvbgg uocd bvfb hteuqlo vno owpky yftc wglhlhd